Wysteria climbs the roof and provides delicious shade as the summer heats up. Climbing roses balance the other side of the front of this home for a celebration of color and fragrance through the last week in May.
Since this house has had no additions to speak of, I really wanted to keep the feel of the garden old fashioned and sensible, just as the architecture is itself. I went to work planting heirloom bulbs, dwarf to large hostas, ferns and native woodland flowers. I especially enjoyed selecting the sun loving perennials.
Peonies, hollyhocks, Grahamn Thomas roses, Black Eyed Susans, Coneflowers, Bearded Iris, Japanese Iris, Hydrangeas, Clematis, Monarda and several tree peonies... just to name a few sun lovers.
These perennials keep the butterflies happy year after year, and a few goldfinch also.